Monday, January 31, 2011

Our thoughts on Bali part one – the airlines

Ok well let’s start with airlines and our thoughts on the various ones that fly out of Perth.

1. Garuda – Full service and now has an excellent reputation for departing on time and quality of food, certainly the most expensive of all the airlines that regularly fly out of Perth. Highly recommended

2. Air Asia – Typical cheap low cost carrier where everything apart from your seat is an extra you have to pay for, little to recommend other than cheap tickets when they are on sale. Only use them if you have to and then only if the fares are on sale.

3. Virgin – we call this a hybrid airline, not quite a low cost carrier, not quite full service, buy your drinks and food etc. Great cabin service and tickets are normally very competitive when on sale.

4. Strategic – Full service cheap airline with VERY LITTLE LEGROOM. Very good crew and well priced, but OMG a dwarf would struggle with the legroom you get.

5. Jetstar – Similar to Virgin, certainly not as good cabin crew and certainly not as good food. We quite like flying with them because we can access the Qantas Club Lounge and their fares are very good.

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